Los tamales son masa envuelta en hojas de plátano, o de mazorca de maíz, dependiendo su tipo. Los tamales pueden ser de gallina o de pollo, donde la masa es de especial cuidado porque le da el sabor al tamal, y se le rellena con gallina o pollo y además se le puede agregar garbanzos y papas en trocitos. Además de este tipo de tamal están los de elote que no tienen relleno sino solamente la masa que es elaborada con granos de maíz molido, mantequilla y sal, y también son conocidos los tamales pishques, span> que son preparados con masa de maíz junto con frijoles molidos, pero la masa debe agregársele bastante cal, para que de el sabor conocido como pishque. Los tamales pishques y los de gallina se envuelven en hojas de plátano a diferencia de los de elote que se envuelven en hojas de la mazorca del maíz.
The tamals are a mass wrapped in sheets of banana, or of cob of corn, depending his type. The tamals can be of hen or of chicken, where the mass is of special care because it gives the flavor to the tamal, and he is refilled by hen or chicken and also it is possible to add his chick-peas and you swallow in bits. In addition to this type of tamal they are of sweetcorn that have no filling but only the mass that is prepared by grains of ground corn, butter and salt, and also the tamals are known pishques, span> that are prepared by mass of corn together with ground beans, but the mass must add enough lime, so that of the flavor known like pishque. The tamals pishques and those of hen are wrapped in sheets of banana in contrast to those of sweetcorn that are wrapped in sheets of the cob of the corn.
The Traditional Meal in El Salvador is one of the ingredients that do only one to our country. Reflected in these customs of our forefathers that at present we keep on recapturing. This day I will detail a little more, each of these delicious meals as the incomparable pupusas, these rich crazy sweetcorns, the delicious tamales.enchiladas, In addition to drinks as the traditional Horchata and atol of sweetcorn.
Comidas Tipicas-Food Tipic

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